Welcome to Kindergarten!

     There are so many things for new Mountain View families to learn about. For many students this is their first school experience. Here is some important information that you will need to help get started:

Snack:  Students are encouraged to bring a snack for morning recess, but please keep the snack small and nutritious. 

Lunch: Lunches from home should be kept in your child’s backpack.  Make sure a name is written on it. If your child is getting lunch from school, please make sure they know this as they will need to be able to tell me during attendance each morning.

Label Everything:  Please mark your child’s name on all removable clothing (coats, hats, sweaters, etc.), backpacks, and lunchboxes.

Extra Clothes:  Please keep shorts, shirt, socks, and underwear in a Ziploc  bag in your child’s backpack. Accidents do happen sometimes.

Arrival: Students can play on the Kindergarten playground until the first bell rings at 7:55.  Please do not arrive at school before 7:35 as there is no campus supervision before this time.  I will come and pick them up from our line on the playground.   

Dismissal:  Dismissal is 2:09 P.M.  I will dismiss students to a parent or caretaker from the kindergarten playground gate.

Backpacks:  Please bring a backpack to school everyday to carry home important papers and schoolwork.  Backpacks should be hung on the hooks outside the classroom.

Absences:  Please send your child to school every day unless he/she is ill. When a child is absent, please call and report the absence to the office.

Classwork: Completed classwork will be handed back to the students on Fridays. We also do several art projects in our class which I like to use to decorate around the room. I will send all of your child’s artwork home by the end of the month. 

Class Website: Our class website is www.sreitzclass.com.  You can also access the website through http://mountainview.simivalleyusd.org. Please check the “Week at a Glance” slide under the “Parents Corner” tab at the beginning of each week for important information about our class academics and activities.  

Seesaw: Seesaw is an online digital portfolio that collects student digital assignments and activities all in one place.  I will be sending home information on how you can connect to your child’s Seesaw account after our Digital Citizenship is complete in the coming weeks. Parent messages  will also go through Seesaw throughout the school year so it will be important for you to connect as soon as possible.